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Location: Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

hmm... this is a toughie to answer, bcoz i feel i am a complicated fella whom others find it hard to understand, so i think its better u get to know me urself... i am a friendly, gentle and jovial person :) :) who takes life as it comes and believes in 'living in the moment' and not worrying too much about the future.... My passions include reading, writing, analysing problems & counselling and music.

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

The real meaning of Entrepreneur

Everyone of us have big dreams for the future. We want a high place in the society, lots of respect, few million bucks and worldy comforts. Many of us also wish to open our own enterprise and make our mark in the society. Whenever i look at the list of the richest men in India, i am awed to see the crores of rupees they've made. Infact, altogether if i add their wealth, it is more than enough to wipe out poverty from India. Yet, i see that in this country, one man owns dozens of cars, whilst other can barely travel in buses. One stays in big mansions whilst other stays on footpath.

With a growth rate of over 8% it is amazing to find such a vast difference. The question which arises here is that why is India having such a haphazard economic condition when the growth rate is excellent? I feel that the main reason for this is that we just concentrate on earning bucks, without caring much for the development around us. So it finally settles down to this.. Who and what exactly is the role of the entrepreneur? Does entrepreneurship just entitles him to earn money and enjoy his life? Doesn't he have any moral duty towards his society and his country?

I've seen many exceptions, however. People like Tatas and Murthys have offered to make a difference. They've made an effort to change the face of the society by opening many charitable institutions for the upliftment of the poor and the needy. For instance, 'Infosys Foundation' headed by Mrs. Sudha Murthy is actively working for the cause of the poor and helpless. The Tatas legacy has even been greater. Right from Jamshedji Tata to Shri Ratan Tata, they have worked for their country on a great moral scale. Ratan Tata has opened up many schools and given employment opportunities in the tribal areas of Bihar so that these backward areas can come up and their standard of living can improve.

Aren't these great men? They are !!
Aren't they rich? Yes, they are !!

This leaves a very powerful lesson for all the budding entrepreneurs of tomorrow. It teaches us the real meaning of an entrepreneur, one who has the power, one who is mighty enough to make a difference.. The one who can lift the face of our country to a very powerful democracy and wipe out poverty.


Blogger Yesh Developers said...

good one, enjoyed reading it...

Saturday, May 05, 2007 8:30:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aura, that was an interesting write-up. But, I believe you don't have to be a rich person to make a difference to the unfortunate folks of our society... prime e.g.: Mother Teresa.

IMHO, all one needs is serious honest intent to make a improve life for everyone around us.

India now has a lot enthusiasm and unlike the previous generation - the new generation has optimism, energy and opportunities but what it lacks is focus, broad-minded, mature and balanced view to take this country into the right direction. Unfortunately most of our older generation is pessimistic, narrow-minded and corrupt - most of the politicians are petty-minded and lack true global perspective.

I only wish India gets some leader who is optimistic, broad-minded, compassionate, focused, driven and mature with a vast experience - someone who can motivate this generation into the right direction with the right attitude.

Thursday, May 31, 2007 8:28:00 PM  

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