My Domain.... my ideas..... my thoughts...... ME!!

This is my page..... All about me (the 1st post).... my ideas, my thoughts..... what i think, what i like, what i don't like..... etc... Comments are most welcome!! :)

Location: Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

hmm... this is a toughie to answer, bcoz i feel i am a complicated fella whom others find it hard to understand, so i think its better u get to know me urself... i am a friendly, gentle and jovial person :) :) who takes life as it comes and believes in 'living in the moment' and not worrying too much about the future.... My passions include reading, writing, analysing problems & counselling and music.

Request to all my viewers: Please add comments and sign my guestbook

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The real meaning of Entrepreneur

Everyone of us have big dreams for the future. We want a high place in the society, lots of respect, few million bucks and worldy comforts. Many of us also wish to open our own enterprise and make our mark in the society. Whenever i look at the list of the richest men in India, i am awed to see the crores of rupees they've made. Infact, altogether if i add their wealth, it is more than enough to wipe out poverty from India. Yet, i see that in this country, one man owns dozens of cars, whilst other can barely travel in buses. One stays in big mansions whilst other stays on footpath.

With a growth rate of over 8% it is amazing to find such a vast difference. The question which arises here is that why is India having such a haphazard economic condition when the growth rate is excellent? I feel that the main reason for this is that we just concentrate on earning bucks, without caring much for the development around us. So it finally settles down to this.. Who and what exactly is the role of the entrepreneur? Does entrepreneurship just entitles him to earn money and enjoy his life? Doesn't he have any moral duty towards his society and his country?

I've seen many exceptions, however. People like Tatas and Murthys have offered to make a difference. They've made an effort to change the face of the society by opening many charitable institutions for the upliftment of the poor and the needy. For instance, 'Infosys Foundation' headed by Mrs. Sudha Murthy is actively working for the cause of the poor and helpless. The Tatas legacy has even been greater. Right from Jamshedji Tata to Shri Ratan Tata, they have worked for their country on a great moral scale. Ratan Tata has opened up many schools and given employment opportunities in the tribal areas of Bihar so that these backward areas can come up and their standard of living can improve.

Aren't these great men? They are !!
Aren't they rich? Yes, they are !!

This leaves a very powerful lesson for all the budding entrepreneurs of tomorrow. It teaches us the real meaning of an entrepreneur, one who has the power, one who is mighty enough to make a difference.. The one who can lift the face of our country to a very powerful democracy and wipe out poverty.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A thought !!

I constantly think about things as and when they happen. So once a thought stuck me and I was wondering about it, whether this thing happens in reality??

Sometime back i had seen this SRK block buster Paheli, in which SRK plays a double role of a dedicated husband as well as a ghost. The character of his wife is played by Rani Mukherjee. As the story unfolds, SRK has to leave his wife for a business trip. His wife feels lonely and desperate without him and when she is approached by a ghost (SRK in double role), after much hesitation she accepts his love and even goes to the extent of fornication, knowing very well that her husband is pretty much alive and caring.

While its very much true, that a husband needs to take care of all the emotional and physical needs of his wife, such story-lines potray a very bad image in the minds of the Indian viewers disrupting the chastity of Indian women. Can women become so adulterous for the want of bodily needs that they commit deceit? Does the hunger for sex becomes so strong for them, that they can't wait for their loving and caring husband to return?

I, as a guy, can't answer these questions properly but i feel that the image which media potrays in this regard is incorrect. Indian women are supposed to be the symbol of tangible purity, and such depiction merely downgrades their status in society. Pure and high thoughts are influenced by our surroundings but when young people see this false picture of the Indian women, they get a wrong image that the moment the men step out of their homes, their women will indulge in extra-marital affairs. Hence, even though unintentional, media brings about a feeling of salient crisis in the minds of young people.

The image of the women should be shown with utmost respect and dignity and whatever content is being shown should be carefully thought of, because media is the most powerful medium affecting the minds and actions of millions of people across the country.

However, as I have said, that, me being a guy can't really answer this question absolutely correctly, so i request for your comments, esp from the ladies, as to what do they feel about this issue.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Man is constantly hounded by questions, which he can't answer, at times. At times, you are on on the top of the world... You feel that the world is your oyster, and then at the next moment, you are at the rock bottom, totally devasted, shattered beyond myth. The transition is accompanied by tremendous mental and physical trauma. You are being shot at by questions, whose answers you don't know. Pressure trains circle your mind like a whirlpool constantly trying to sweep you off you normal mental balance and it is possible that you reach a stage of partial or total madness.

So what does one do about it. There are numerous situations we face such mind-boggling, life threatening circumstances, whether it be work-related, relationships, or health. No one knows what is going to happen next !! How do normal human beings cope up with this problem? We go through so much mental agony, that we are unable to maintain a decent mindset and tackle these problems.

Some people try to just run away from them... and leave the situation on to fate, hoping that some answer might come into picture. But, the fact is, it is not just about the answer. It is about the mind, which brings the answers. Until it is in actual working condition, you can't natually think of any solutions. So turning hostile towards your friends, showing off or rather throwing off tantrums is pretty common.

Say a person who has just been fired from him job, or a guy who has been dumped by his girlfriend (or vice versa) or a person who is suffering from some or the other health problem, is just so much hammered, that either he takes up vandalism or becomes a threat to his/her ex.

Even I am going through one such problem in the current days, and i gave a lot of thought to it, talked to a couple of my friends. I realised that there is something which we tend to forget during this hour of crisis.... which is DESTINY

I know there would be many non-believers here, but I truely believe that there is some power, above all of us, which controls what we go through in our normal life cycle. There is this power which decides what we must achieve or lose.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and that power decides that for us. No one can be stronger than our own destiny. Almost all of us believe in God here. We chant his name, day-in and day-out, talk of so many mythological stories displaying his prowess, but do we really trust him or accept his decisions at these times of crisis. Everyone would happily do that when we get some gift, but, at the same time, everyone of us starts to complain the moment some difficult time is upon us.

Why do we forget that HE is still there with us, even when everyone has left?

People may come and people will go, but HE shall be the 'one' who shall always be there, the one who controls us, our actions, the guiding force amongst us... the one which we call 'Destiny'

Easier said than done! It is these testing times, which actually show how much we believe in God, or our destiny or how much are we ready to accept our fate. I have seen so many people, even some of the age of my parents, who have gone through so much, that they have stopped believing in God, altogether. They might chant his name the whole day, yet their belief isn't firm.

I am no saint, or a preacher. I just write what I feel and my belief is so strong, that it knows, that this is just a tough time for me and soon it would be over for something still better in life. However, what do these tough times teach is rather important.

They teach us to hold our beliefs strong. They teach us to believe in HIM without a doubt. They teach us to be strong during calamity and just believe in him.... The 'Almighty'. They teach us that the ultimate thing that stands out is 'DESTINY' and nothing is greater than that.

If something is meant for you, you shall have it in the end... Have faith, believe in your destiny!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Amazing Links : N.B.

Hi folks,
Since i was receiving a lot of requests for the CAT material, i have uploaded whatever I had on

You can access it by clicking here

There are various sections there and you can go to the CAT section and browse through the various sections there. You would get a lot of mock papers, papers for CAT and other entrance exams, and many other useful materials to aid your preparation. If u need notes on GD or PI, we have sections for that too.

You would need to register on Management Paradise (MP) and that can be done by accessing the following link Register on ManagementParadise

I hope this information should suffice.

Take Care

Gaurav Mittal